Thursday, January 13, 2011


Today was my first full day with my host family in Segovia. I've been in Spain since Epiphany. Classes are going well; everything is in Spanish, but our professors work with us and will repeat or explain confusing words and phrases. "Repite por favor con mas despacio" is my most used phrase I think. I'm taking four classes here: Advanced Grammar; Myths and Legends in Times of Globalization; Art and Civilization of Spain; and a study abroad seminar the Catholic Reformation in Spain. Tengo buena suerte porque mis especializaciones: historia y espanol son los enfoques de todas de mis clases. There are twenty-nine students in the program and along with our director and his family we are a group of thirty-one.

I have to go read to my little sister now, so the blog post will have to wait.

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